Søkt på: arktos
totalt 53 treff
The Significance of the German Revolution
Moonlight Society: Clan Arktos
After barely escaping Phoenix and the evil vampires, Ember returns to the bear enclave with Sasha, who is still recovering from his wounds. Old Bear gives her a new guardian named …
Not Under Arktos, the Bear, poetry
Revised Edition: LukivPress (Victoria, BC), 2021. Previously published as Est n En Su Casa, poetry (ETONSA, South Africa, 2002). Various poems in this collection have appeared in …
Survive--The Economic Collapse
A Tribute to Helmuth Nyborg
This remarkable volume pays tribute to the esteemed Helmuth Nyborg on his 85th birthday. Recognised globally for his groundbreaking work on the inheritance of intelligence and the …
The Ideology of Sameness
Alain de Benoist attributed liberalism and the individualism that stems from it to the idea of making man, a social animal, a being removed from the soil, uprooted from any …
Tolkien, Europe, and Tradition
'It is up to European man to know his modern mythology and the heroes related to it. Tolkien, like an "Anglo-Saxon bard", is one of those noble heralds who have brought our …
Das Grosse Erwachen gegen den Great Reset
Alexander Dugins Das Gro e Erwachen gegen den Great Reset ist eine offene Kriegserkl rung an die Zwillingskrankheiten des Liberalismus und der westlichen politischen Moderne. Dugin …
Drommen Om Ultima Thule
Aven de karva nordeuropeiska folken har haft sin beskarda del av drommare: filosofer, utoper och dystoper har under skilda epoker funnit en plats i det nord- och centraleuropeiska …
Sex Differences in Intelligence
In Sex Differences in Intelligence, Dr Richard Lynn refutes the belief that males and females are equally smart. He presents the findings of his extensive research showing that, on …
Reforging Excalibur
Reforging Excalibur is an exciting and unique proposal for restructuring America's armed forces in order to better prepare us for Fourth-Generation warfare. After a withering …